Happy Happy Joy Joy...
Oh what a glorious day.
You wake up and ya think to yourself..."Self, this is probably just gonna be a typical day." Pssh. Yeah. Right.
Well, I tell you, internet, here is what happened.
First, I was at work. I didn't have class today so I went into work when I finally got bored with working at home and really just wanted to actually speak to humans. (ok, sorta.)
Since I only have a couple more weeks in Charlotte, I have been steadily cleaning out my desk. I was mostly done but today, decided to clean out my file folders.
Now mind you, internet, I am 90% organized all the time. It's my thing.
But in my obsessive search to find order sometimes, I place things in files and forget them. They are in their place and therefore dead to me. Well, anyway, I was going through a folder marked "personal" and noticed 2 unopened envelopes from my old mortgage company. Hmm. Another statement I suppose. Oh no. I rip it open and what is there? you ask.
2 checks. Totaling a little over 1600 bucks.
Oh yes! I had $1600 worth of checks sitting in a file folder since last August.
What the hell?!
Turns out I overpaid my escrow. So I guess I should start opening my mail.
Praise Jesus. I'm thinking one word. iMac.
So after I had a mini-stroke, I got home tonight and anticipated my luck changing. They've been predicting snow. Yeah right. If you know nothing else about me, dear computer, you know I love me some snow. Life cannot be this good.
But sure enough, right around 11, it started snowing.


Sadie licked the big snowflakes for about 30 seconds and then was like..."um. screw this. I'm freezing my tail off. "

First, I was at work. I didn't have class today so I went into work when I finally got bored with working at home and really just wanted to actually speak to humans. (ok, sorta.)
Since I only have a couple more weeks in Charlotte, I have been steadily cleaning out my desk. I was mostly done but today, decided to clean out my file folders.
Now mind you, internet, I am 90% organized all the time. It's my thing.
But in my obsessive search to find order sometimes, I place things in files and forget them. They are in their place and therefore dead to me. Well, anyway, I was going through a folder marked "personal" and noticed 2 unopened envelopes from my old mortgage company. Hmm. Another statement I suppose. Oh no. I rip it open and what is there? you ask.
2 checks. Totaling a little over 1600 bucks.
Oh yes! I had $1600 worth of checks sitting in a file folder since last August.
What the hell?!
Turns out I overpaid my escrow. So I guess I should start opening my mail.
Praise Jesus. I'm thinking one word. iMac.
So after I had a mini-stroke, I got home tonight and anticipated my luck changing. They've been predicting snow. Yeah right. If you know nothing else about me, dear computer, you know I love me some snow. Life cannot be this good.
But sure enough, right around 11, it started snowing.
Sadie licked the big snowflakes for about 30 seconds and then was like..."um. screw this. I'm freezing my tail off. "
Good gracious, girl! $1600? That's one hell of an escrow overpayment. :) iMac- totally. We got 4" of snow last night, and sleet this morning. I'm heading in shortly, though. Too busy for snow days.
MANDY! That is crazy! And, weren't you just worrying over how you were going to pay for your move? Looks like you've got it! I miss you. We need to talk soon. Love you! I can't believe you'll be here so soon! I'm so excited!
That' WAY better than when you find 20 bucks in a coat pocket!!!
iMac rules.
very happy for you... still sad that you are moving. but, i am so glad that you are getting the opportunity to do something that makes you happy. you deserve it. if anyone deserves happiness, you do. loves ya! i hope you have a safe trip, and St. Louis is everything you have ever hoped for... and it snows all winter. but, the safe snow. and, i'm sure people don't act like the sky is falling when it snows there, like they do here. iMac's are sweet! i wish i could afford photoshop though... maybe for Christmas.
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