
Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Laurel Hill Elementary School

Evidently, I have been "tagged." The word only brings memories of a frustrating game in elementary school that I sucked at. So, since I have been assigned to write 8 random facts, I hereby deem this blog all about my primary school experience at Laurel Hill Elementary.

Because Nikki has roped me back into blogging, I will copy the rules from her...
According to the Meme Gods (and Nikki), I must include this first:
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.

(This will not happen)
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

(Neither will this)

So here are my eight random things-

1. When I was in 4th grade, I was on lunch and eating my carrot sticks while, of course, probably doing something immature and ridiculous. Just when I had popped a carrot stick in my mouth, I sneezed and the damn thing went up my nose. I mean JAMMED up my nose. In a panic, I ran up to my teacher Mrs. Littlejohn who promptly looked at me with her "what did you do now" face and took me to the principals office. They called my Dad who came and got me, took me to the pediatrician who removed said carrot and proceeded to hand it to me in a glass jar. My Dad threw it out the window on the way home and took me to lunch. I bet Mrs. Littlejohn still thinks I shoved that thing up my nose on a dare.

2. My first kiss was Chris Hogan when I was 5. His parents and my parents were best friends so we hung out at their house a lot. The Hogans had a train track that ran behind their house and we would go down this huge hill and play down there. (It was 25 years ago when people didn't watch their kids too much.) Well, Chris had this awesome idea of putting pennies on the track and when a train came, it would flatten them. I thought he was sooo cool. I was however, terrified that this would make the train derail and so every time I heard a train whistle, I went to running.

3. I had the same teacher for 1st and 2nd grade. Mrs. Goodwin was her name. She was a very patient woman and to this day, when I happen to run into her, she jokes that changing grades that year was a HUGE mistake on her part. 1 year of me was quite enough.

4. In second grade my ADD had fully kicked in and I was terribly obnoxious. One particular day, because I thought I knew everything, I kept yelling out the spelling of words that Mrs. Goodwin was saying. Finally, I drove her to her boiling point and she directed me to come to the front of the class. She gave me chalk and told me to spell "supercalifragilisticexpialadocious." I think I spelled it about that way and she said..."Hm. Good job Mandy. We all know you can spell. Now sit down and shut up."

5. I won the school spelling bee that same year but I lost in the county one because I couldn't spell "kintergarden." I still don't know the proper spelling of that word.

6. My teacher noticed one day that I was having trouble writing "oy" in cursive. She made me write "boy" like 1000 times until I could properly attach the o and y. I truly believe my penmanship is one of my best qualities and I have Mrs. Littlejohn to thank for it. Seriously! Give me your address. I'll write you a letter.
(However, I also have her to thank that I find myself subconsciously spelling out "oy" in cursive with my finger to this day.)

7. I could hula hoop like nobody's business!

8. I played "Becky" in the 4th grade play of "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn." Becky was Tom's girlfriend and Tom was played by my little boyfriend, Chad Snead. I was happy because I got to kiss him in front of the whole school AND our parents. Chad and I later found out that we were like 5th cousins and that was the end of that.
(Why is there a kissing theme in my elementary school blog? I got way more action then.)

So, there you have it Nikki. All the folks you tagged are the only people I know with blogs so I guess I am risking chicken pox or being haunted or 18 years of bad luck if I break the chain. But oh well, I have always been a risk taker. Ask Mrs. Littlejohn.


Blogger Joyous said...

"Chad and I later found out that we were like 5th cousins and that was the end of that."

I found your blog randomly, and I couldn't stop laughing after reading this!

11:58 AM  
Blogger Elizabeth Lloyd said...

You sound a lot like me friend Kissy Chrissy at Coleman Elementary school. She had a reputation. LOL I enjoyed reading your 8. I too pride myself in my penmanship, However, I do not have time to write letters, Just signing my name away on my checks for the lastest in my families needs at the local grocery store. I can't wait to meet you in July.

12:03 PM  
Blogger Mandy said...

Well Ms. Joyous- I'm glad my emotional scarring made you laugh :) Thanks for stopping by!

and Beth! I am not an easy kisser! I swear

4:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, according to Jared you're taking the risk of all your hair falling out and birds pooping on you or something like that. Oh, and the line "I went to running" really made me laugh. Love you, Mandy! You're so awesome!

5:59 PM  
Blogger jared said...

the thing is -- i already knew that

1:54 AM  
Blogger Mandy said...

you know everything Jared

9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought I better check on your 8, because you'll soon be going out on a date with my wife... I won't let her go out with just anyone you know. Please have her back by 10.

10:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way, I do like your theme, even if it is a bit elementary... That was so freaking corney I know.

10:49 PM  
Blogger Mandy said...

Hey Pat! Don't get the wrong idea from the blog. I don't kiss on the first date so you have nothing to worry about :)

10:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had to visit your blog after seeing you on Nikki's. I loved your 8... as an elementary school teacher and a mother of a 11 year old daughter with ADD AND a closet ADD-er (is that a word), I think I relate to you on a higher plane!

9:59 PM  
Blogger Mandy said...

So sweet of you to stop by Holly! You're an elementary teacher?! All I can say is "bless your heart." :)

3:48 PM  
Blogger Felicia said...

Didn't I play your Mom in that play?...I would love to get my hands on a video copy of it. I think that may be my next mission...off to Laurel Hill I go! and I remeber the spelling bee, too.

1:32 AM  

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